
Sunday, 1 September 2013

MMM Bangladesh Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox

The idea of creating MMM started in Russia as an instrument of mutual aid, benefit and support of people that have no protection in our societies. 

What is MMM? Global Mutual Aid Fund. The bottom line is that it is a voluntary informal network of millions of people across the earth, who stood up to help each other. And decided to combine their money for this cause. Let each individual have small, but a lot of people, which turns into millions, and together is a force. This is tremendous power! Invincible! And which is growing every day.

MMM! It's yours. Here, people help each other. Today you help someone — tomorrow you will be helped out! This is a principle of MMM. Join MMM keeping in mind that you are letting your money help those who actually need help! Low-income, disabled, pensioners… Mother of many children. Love your neighbor! Help him.

MMM is a kind of one large drawer, where all the people put their free money, and then take, as and when needed. As much at the moment they need to. (Do not seize and take it!)
Because in fact a person does not need a lot of money. MMM makes sense — of belonging. That you are not alone! That when you are in a difficult time you can lean on, and somebody will come to your rescue. That you — are not thrown. MMM is the cell of a new society, a brighter and cleaner one. New world. Where there is no money issues. Where it will be different, everything will be different. Honestly and fairly. Where there will be no slaves and no masters. Where everybody will – work. For personal satisfaction and for the benefit of the whole society.

Where good will conquer evil finally. All of this — will be. Absolutely true!

Welcome to the System!
Only MMM says that we are cheated. When we make money almost dying, and then some blood sucking parasites make money out of thin air. MMM not only opens people's eyes showing the truth, but also removes the social tension helping people in a difficult moment for them. Mavrodians, helping each other regardless of their religion will never go for other conflict. MMM thus solves the problem of religious conflicts that often lead to bloodshed.

MMM ideology aimed at strengthening the system of the country. The life of every citizen is dependent upon the power and wealth of the country. That is why we call on all participants to provide help to the country through a system of tax, even with the amounts that Mavrodian received as help in MMM. With this kind of support you are Helping each other to buy the goods that was difficult to buy yesterday without this kind of support, this in turn increases the purchasing capacity of an individual. This fact is very positive influence over the economy.

Together We Can Do A Lot!

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