
Sunday, 8 September 2013

Even Banks Runs On Pyramid......

If we talk about banks, they are good to use as safety rooms but never for the appreciation of our money. Our deposits in the banks is like a loan to them on which they give us almost nothing and even sometimes charges us on our own money for keeping it there or for using their facilities. But our money do you think stays in Banks only. The figure which we see in our Bank statement is just in papers. The money actually is loaned to the other people as this is only the bank moves mostly in every country of the World. The money of us is given at a good interest to other big people who do business with it and sell their manufactured things to us people only. They makes good money and even pay back to the bank which makes them prosperous . In return bank gives us nothing or good for nothing.

 Money can't stay at one place as it need to be in circulation to make more money. But in the recent years when our purchasing capacity has been declining by higher extent, could the Rich would be able to pay back to banks and banks back to the us.These days we mostly hear about the term of Credit Default. That is due to non-payment of loans and interest. The banks are relying on the new depositors to pay immediately to the old depositors who request for their money. If new account openings decline and all the depositor comes to take out their money, could the bank be able to pay???? No, it will go BANKRUPT!!!!

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