
Friday, 4 October 2013


"At first they did not notice you, then they laugh at you, then fight with you. And then you win" - M Gandhi. 

So the same we had in MMM, for the first they did not notice us, second then laughed a lot, saying that we cannot unite people and change the world.

When we become millions they began to fight. It's time to give an answer to our opponents. It is time to win. MMM resumed work in India.
Controller is running, the system successfully resumed full operation. Actively develop our community, tell about the MMM to your friends. 
Write to feedback through tickets in your cabinets about all the problems in the virtual accounts. 
Send your proposals about the organizational development issues of the system to
You can also send letters to Sergei Mavrodi and Alexei Muratov on this address.

Everything just begins. Long Live MMM. 

We appeal to all the participants who now receive payments on the old Mavro please make video records of the receipt and send them to our e-mail The payment on the old Mavro will be stopped for those participants who will not send the video of. 

म्म्म भारत के बारे में सेर्गेई Mavrodi के वीडियो का अनुवाद पुनः आरंभ ..!

नमस्कार! मैं भारतीय प्रतिभागियों के लिए अपील करना चाहते हैं. पाठ तो आपकी अनुमति से मैं इसे पढ़ा होगा, काफी बड़ी है. यह पुलिस द्वारा हमारे नेताओं की गिरफ्तारी की तारीख से लगभग 4 महीने हो गए है. और अब तक हमारे अपराध का कोई सबूत नहीं है. सभी शुल्क कानून के संदर्भ के बिना, निराधार हैं. यह एक बार फिर से एम एम एम कानूनी है कि साबित होता है.  

अन्यथा आप हम भारत के कानूनों के किसी भी उल्लंघन नहीं किया है कि मानता है क्योंकि अब पुलिस कृत्रिम रूप से, जांच लम्बा होगा. पुलिस ने उनके कार्यों से सिस्टम में आतंक उकसाया न केवल कई, मदद मिल चोट लगी है, लेकिन यह भी युवा लड़के को बर्बाद कर दिया नहीं था कि तथ्य यह है. सभी को गिरफ्तार कर आज स्वतंत्रता पर जारी की है और पुलिस जानबूझ मैं भारत में एम एम एम की दोबारा खोलने की घोषणा भारत के प्रतिभागियों की लोकप्रिय मांग करके, जांच की प्रगति में देरी की वजह से. हम सभी के लिए बधाई. इसलिए मैं काम सभी पूछा के रूप में पुराने निजी कार्यालयों में जारी उस रिपोर्ट करने के लिए खुश हूँ. पुन: पंजीकरण आवश्यक नहीं है. सब कुछ आसान है. सिस्टम में मदद प्राप्त नहीं किया है, जो उन लोगों के लिए भुगतान करने के लिए शुरू करो. अब के लिए नहीं अधिक 5000 रुपए. हम केवल भुगतान की रसीद की वीडियो रिकॉर्ड और भेज देंगे, जो उन लोगों के लिए भुगतान करते हैं. आदमी खुद को लाल रंग में और उनके खो पैसे का केवल एक हिस्सा प्राप्त करता, क्योंकि यह पैसा प्राप्त करने वाले व्यक्ति के लिए कुछ लाने के लिए पुलिस के लिए मुश्किल हो जाएगा. या, पुलिस सज्जनों प्रिय, यह आपको पैसे कहते हैं उनके खोया लोगों को वापस जाने के लिए मना किया है? तो यह बकवास के रूप में पता चला है! पहले 2 हफ्तों के लिए पुनः आरंभ करने के बाद मई में हम भी एक अतिरिक्त 20% भुगतान शुरू करने की योजना बनाई है, मदद के लिए नहीं मिला, जो सभी के लिए 10% से अधिक का भुगतान किया. लेकिन अपने सभी कार्यों को पुलिस ने नष्ट कर दिया गया. आप पुलिस सज्जनों एम एम एम में हस्तक्षेप नहीं किया तो "शिकार" नहीं होगा. और हम सब कुछ भुगतान किया जाएगा.  

एक पुनः आरंभ करने के बाद अब कर रहे हैं भुगतान कर देगा जो प्रतिभागियों का सवाल है, वे आसानी से एक और व्यक्ति को मदद में अनावश्यक अपने पैसे दे. अब भारत में भी, इन सभी घटनाओं के बाद हर प्रतिभागी को निश्चित रूप से कोई गारंटी नहीं है कि समझता है, और वास्तव में अनावश्यक पैसे देता है. खुश नहीं - भाग नहीं है. उसे गिरफ्तार किया जाना चाहिए कि क्या कारण के लिए, उसे कुछ को दोषी ठहराने?  
पुलिस आम तौर पर अब कुछ के साथ गलती खोजने के लिए कोई कारण नहीं है. पर्सनल मंत्रिमंडल में उन्हें उनके बारे में जानकारी के साथ "दिखाई" या "बंद मोड" अपने स्वयं की स्थिति निर्धारित करने के लिए अनुमति के अधिकारियों के लिए एक नया विकल्प होगा. अंतर यह है कि सिर के अनुरोध पर वह गठन और भी प्राप्त करने और पक्षों संचारण समन्वय, मदद कर रहा है जो भुगतान के लिए आदेश में प्रदर्शित किया जा सकता है. स्थिति ही अदृश्य है जब प्रतिभागी का संपर्क सिर के बारे में कोई जानकारी के साथ भुगतान प्राप्त करने और बनाने, आदेश में सूचीबद्ध किया जाएगा. लेकिन किसी भी मामले में, नेता का बोनस हर किसी के लिए निश्चित रूप से अर्जित की गई है, लेकिन यह कुछ समय के लिए जमे हुए किया जाएगा. प्रणाली वैध नहीं है के रूप में यह रूप में लंबे समय के लिए भुगतान नहीं होगा. तो पुलिस ने नेताओं के खिलाफ आरोप का कोई कारण नहीं था. कोई नेताओं बोनस कोई भी अभी तक प्राप्त नहीं हुआ है, और हम सब पर कोई नेता हैं. इच्छा पर हैं और दो ​​प्रतिभागियों में मदद कर सकते हैं कि जो लोग बस रहे हैं. वे बेलाग होकर यह करना है. संक्षेप में परामर्शदाता. हम निश्चित रूप से नेताओं को बोनस का भुगतान करने में खुशी होगी, लेकिन पुलिस, दुर्भाग्य से, हमें ऐसा करने की अनुमति नहीं है. हम सब व्यवस्था के वैधीकरण के बाद भुगतान किया जाएगा. हम यह पहले था. कई प्रबंधकों को अब सक्रिय नहीं हैं, के रूप में प्रतिभागियों को खुद को एक नया नेता चुनने का अधिकार दिया जाता है. उनमें से कुछ ने पुलिस के साथ सहयोग किया है, और आम तौर पर अच्छी तरह से नहीं किया था. यह शेष सक्रिय भागीदारी और नेताओं ने एक आदेश में इकट्ठा करने की अनुमति देगा. इसके अलावा इस "दिखाई" की स्थिति को निर्धारित करने और आदेश के प्रदर्शन में अपने सदस्यों को खुले तौर पर मदद करने के लिए प्रबंधकों को प्रेरित करेगा. अन्यथा, वे एक और नेता अधिक बोल्ड और सक्रिय हैं. तो यह बात है. 
हम रेफरल 10% की बचत होगी. और उन्हों ने अर्जित की पुष्टि की है, जिसमें से Mavro के बाद इस निष्कर्ष पर उपलब्ध हैं. Mavro वृद्धि प्रति माह 30% हो जाएगा. टिकट के माध्यम से निजी मंत्रिमंडल पर तकनीकी समस्याओं को सुलझाने, [प्रतिक्रिया], और आप हम आयोजन होगा, जो हॉट लाइन चालू कर सकते हैं. 
और अधिक और एक, सिस्टम अब किसी और से स्वतंत्र रूप से काम करेंगे. जो भी गिरफ्तार कर लिया है, और क्या कार्रवाई पुलिस द्वारा की गई कोई बात नहीं है. तो यह बिल्कुल unsinkable हो जाएगा. पुलिस फिर से आतंक भड़काने और व्यवस्था को नष्ट करने की कोशिश करने का फैसला करते हैं तो हम केवल 2-3 दिनों में यह फिर आरंभ करेगा. जनरल अब कोई नेता होगा, पुलिस, मेरा मानना ​​है कि आतंक भड़काने नहीं सकता है. या किसी भी तरह से इसे नष्ट कर. रूस में, कम से कम यह संभव नहीं है. इसलिए मैं इस प्रणाली में कोई कमजोर अंक अब कर रहे हैं क्योंकि भारत असफल नहीं है कि लगता है. और इसलिए अब अपनी गलतियों को स्वीकार करते हैं अव्यवसायिक, पक्षपातपूर्ण, अनिच्छा के रूप में खुद को समझौता सभी पक्षों पर पुलिस, इसलिए मुझे लगता है वे कुछ कठोर कार्रवाई कर देगा नहीं लगता. वे अभी तक वे जाएगा निकट भविष्य में महसूस नहीं किया है, तो भारत में गिरफ्तार किया है जो कोई भी क्योंकि - एम एम एम नष्ट नहीं किया जाएगा. सब कुछ चल रहा है और वापस वहाँ कोई रास्ता नहीं है.  
तो, शुरू जल्दी है. और मैं वित्तीय सर्वनाश अपरिहार्य है कि विश्वास करते हैं. हम एक बहुत कुछ कर सकते हैं.

Translation of Sergey Mavrodi's Video about MMM-INDIA restart..!!!

Hello! I want to appeal to the Indian participants. The text is large enough, so with your permission I will read it. It has been almost 4 months from the date of our leaders arrest by the police. And there is no evidence of our guilt till now. All the charges are unsubstantiated, without reference to the law. This proves once again that the MMM is legal. 

Now the police will artificially prolong the investigation, because otherwise you have to admit that we did not violate any of the laws of India. The police not only provoked panic in the System by their actions, the fact that many did not get help, hurt, but also ruined the young guy. Due to the fact that all arrested today released on freedom and the police deliberately delays the progress of the investigation, by popular demand of participants of India I announce the reopening of the MMM in India. Congratulations to all of us. So I’m happy to report that the work continues in the old private offices as all asked. Re-registration is not necessary. Everything is simple. Begin to make payments to those who did not receive help in the System. Not more than 5000 rupees for now. We pay only for those who will record and send video of the receipt of payment. It will be difficult to the Police to bring something to the person who receives the money, as the man himself in the red and receives only a portion of their lost money. Or, dear police gentlemen, is it forbidden to return people their Lost as you say money? So it turns out as nonsense! For the first 2 weeks after the restart in May we paid more than 10% to all who didn’t get the help, also planned to start paying an additional 20%. But all their actions were destroyed by the police. There would not be "victims" if you police gentlemen did not intervene in MMM. And we would have paid everything. 

As for the participants, who are now after a restart will make payments, they simply give their money gratuitously in help to another person. Now, in India too, after all these events every participant certainly understands that there are no guarantees, and gives the money actually gratuitously. Not happy - do not participate. For what reason he must be arrested, indict him something? 
The police generally have now no reason to find fault with anything. In the Personal Cabinet will be a new option for executives allowing them to set their own status "visible" or "closed mode" with information about them. The difference is that at the request of the head he can be displayed in the order for payment, which is formed and help, also coordinate the receiving and transmitting sides. When the status is invisible only the participant’s contacts will be listed in the Order, receiving and making payments with no information about the head. But in any case, the leader’s bonus is accrued of course to everyone, but it will be frozen for a while. It will not pay for as long as the system is not legalized. So the police had no cause for charges against the leaders. No leaders bonuses no one have not received yet, and we have no leaders at all. There are just people who are at will and can help the two participants. They do it disinterestedly. Consultants in essence. We certainly will be happy to pay leaders bonuses, but the police, unfortunately, do not allow us to do that. We will all be paid after the legalization of all system. As we had it earlier. Participants are given themselves the right to choose a new leader, as many managers are not active now. Some of them cooperated with the police, and generally did not well. This will allow the remaining active participants and leaders to gather in a single command. Also this will motivate managers to set at the status of "visible" and to help openly his members in the orders performance. Otherwise, they will find another leader more bold and active. So that's it.
We will save the referral 10%. And they are available to the conclusion after Mavro from which accrued is confirmed. Mavro growth will be 30% per month. Solving technical problems on Private Cabinet through tickets, [feedback], and you can turn on the hot line, which we will organize.
And one more else, the system will now operate independently from anyone else. Whoever is arrested, and no matter what action taken by the police. So it will be absolutely unsinkable. If the police decide to again provoke panic and try to destroy the system we simply will restart it in 2-3 days. General now there will be no leaders, so the police, I believe, couldn’t provoke panic. Or destroy it somehow. In Russia, at least it's not possible. So I think that India do not fail because there are no weak points in the system anymore. And so now the police on all sides compromised themselves as unprofessional, biased, reluctance to admit their own mistakes, so I do not think they will make some drastic action. If they have not yet realized in the near future they will, because whoever is arrested in India - MMM will not be destroyed. Everything is running and there is no way back. 
So, the start is soon. And I believe that the financial apocalypse is inevitable. We can a lot.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Responsibilities and Duties of MMM Consultants....

1. Daily Check your System Login By Selecting " All " Option.
2. Serve Your team the best Quality Service.
3. Add all Your Participants to this Common Group of MMM Bangladesh
4. Guide Your team Properly How to Use Services of Neteller.
5. Help Them to Get Their Neteller Accounts Verified.
6. Ask them to Make Timely Get Helps and Provide Helps to make the system strong.
7. Never Speak Lie to your teams... MMM is a Revolution of Truth.
8. Always Communicate with Recipients Using Message Box Service.
9. Never allow Your Participants to add Fake Slips.
10. Never Try to Pollute the system by Adding Unknown persons.
11. Always Try to Control Your Greed.
12. Always Ask your participants to Add Only FREE Money in the system.
13. The Very First Rule : Never Panic and Always Be Positive.

14. The Most Important Thing : Consultant Should always check his email associated with the system to get updated with fresh movements of Get Help and New Orders in his team. 
(You can Also Switch On Auto Mail Forwarding Option to Get Emails on your Main Mail ID)

These are Some Important key Points for Consultants to always follow...

A Request to All MMM Consultants and Participants :

A Request to All Consultants and Participants :

If Neteller Dollars are Not Available in Open Market Then Please Purchase Directly from Your Debit / Credit Card.

Purchasing Directly from your Card is legal as you pay Service Tax to Indian Govt for your Online Shopping which is charged included in your total amount.

Must Remember to Validate your card after your First Purchase to increase your Purchase Limit from 100$ to 2500$ per day.

This is Secure and Safe and there is no risk in this transaction.

Together We can Do Alot !!!


Hindi Translation : 

सभी कंसल्टेंट्स और पार्टीसिपेंट्स से एक विंनती है :

अगर आपको मार्किट से नेट-टेलर डॉलर नहीं मिल पा रहे तो कृपया अपने क्रेडिट / डेबिट कार्ड से डॉलर खरीदें |

सीधा कार्ड से डॉलर खरीदना करना लीगल है क्यूंकि आप साथ में भारतीय गवर्नमेंट को सर्विस टैक्स प्रदान करते हैं !

अपने कार्ड को वैलीडेट ज़रूर करवाएं ताकि आपको अगली बार डॉलर खरीदने करने पर कोई कठिनाई न हो |
कार्ड वैलीडेट होने के बाद आप दिन में 100$ की जगह 2500$ तक खरीद सकते हैं | 

यह एक सुरक्षित प्रक्रिया है और इसमें आपको किसी तरह का कोई नुक्सान नहीं है |

आओ हम सब एक बने और नेक बने !!!

सदर प्रणाम 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

विश्व भर की सबसे बड़ी खबर ..........!!

विश्व भर की सबसे बड़ी खबर ..........!!!

जी हाँ विश्व भर की सबसे बड़ी खबर एम् .एम् .एम् बांग्लादेश पूरे विश्व का सबसे बड़ा,स्वस्थ , सबसे ताकतवर स्ट्रक्चर बन चूका हैं 

ये बात कोई बनाबटी नहीं किसी एम् . एम् . एम. के पार्टिसिपेट आपको अपने काम का अंदाज़ बता सकता हैं 

शुरू मैं लोग शायद वो लोग आये जिनको एम.एम.एम पर पूर्ण भरोसा था ...!!!
लेकिन आज ये हाल हो गया हैं की भारत के तमाम एम.एम.एम इंडिया के पार्टीसिपेट्स वो स्पीड से एम.एम.एम बांग्लादेश मैं आरहे हैं जिसकी कभी किसी ने कल्पना भी नहीं की होगी 

और मैं इस माहोल को बहुत पसंद कर रहा हूँ , शायद आप भी मेरी भावना समझ सकते हैं 
एम.एम.एम बांग्लादेश मैं सबसे अच्छी बात के यहाँ पर मेनेजर को अपने पद का पूर्ण पालन करना पड़ता हैं 
जिससे सिस्टम कभी गन्दा न हो , और अधिक गलती या फेक आई डी को जायदा नहीं लगा सकता नहीं तो उसको प्रतिबन्धि कर दिया जाता हैं !
मेरा मनना हैं ये दुनिया का सबसे पहला और सबसे इमानदार और सबसे पवार फुल हेल्पिंग प्लान हैं 
जिसका कोई अंत नहीं, ये खुद मैं अनंत हैं 
वैसे मैं जनता हूँ बहुत सरे भाई एम.एम।एम. बांग्लादेश मैं ज्वाइन हो चुके हैं लेकिन जो भी भाई अभी सोच रहा हैं वो पहले एक छोटा सा लोजिक जाने 
की एम.एम.एम बांग्लादेश देश आज वो स्थिति पर आ चूका हैं जहा हेल्प देने बवालों की इतनी तादात हैं , जिसके सामने लेने वाले बहुत ही कम चुके हैं .. जी हाँ .. अब आप समझ गए होंगे की मैं क्या कहना चाहता हूँ ! 

तो जो भाई इस मिशन से अभी भी दूर हैं वो अपना समय न जाया करे और एक और नेक बनके इस देश और दुनिया को मदद देकर और मदद लेकर एक सम्पूर्ण सामाजिक दुनिया बनाये 

मेरे साथ आओ और कदम से कदम बढाओ 
Join with me 
Mohd Nizam
Mobile- 91-7411415868

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Even Banks Runs On Pyramid......

If we talk about banks, they are good to use as safety rooms but never for the appreciation of our money. Our deposits in the banks is like a loan to them on which they give us almost nothing and even sometimes charges us on our own money for keeping it there or for using their facilities. But our money do you think stays in Banks only. The figure which we see in our Bank statement is just in papers. The money actually is loaned to the other people as this is only the bank moves mostly in every country of the World. The money of us is given at a good interest to other big people who do business with it and sell their manufactured things to us people only. They makes good money and even pay back to the bank which makes them prosperous . In return bank gives us nothing or good for nothing.

 Money can't stay at one place as it need to be in circulation to make more money. But in the recent years when our purchasing capacity has been declining by higher extent, could the Rich would be able to pay back to banks and banks back to the us.These days we mostly hear about the term of Credit Default. That is due to non-payment of loans and interest. The banks are relying on the new depositors to pay immediately to the old depositors who request for their money. If new account openings decline and all the depositor comes to take out their money, could the bank be able to pay???? No, it will go BANKRUPT!!!!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Member Code For All MMM Participants and Managers

Member Code Of MMM 2012

1. Take part in the MMM to help other members first, and    then get help for yourself.
2. I realize that there is a risk not to have time to get help.Therefore,100% responsibility for taking part on itself.
3. Money invested in any case do not mind,invest for the latest and understand that helping other people.
4. MMM takes aim - to create a fair financial system.
5. I believe that we can create a world in which people live in love and abundance.
6. I undertake to protect the mutual aid fund in difficult times.
7. I give you my word that, in any event, an effort of will cope with their own panic.
8. I understand that by spreading doubt, I weaken the MMM and increasing their own risk. With people around the light will be sharing images and good humor.
9. All my friends know that I am involved in the MMM. For I am not ashamed of this, and am proud to have had the courage and speed of thought.
10. I understand that the MMM develops only if its members are developing. I understand that even 10 of my friends with whom I share the information - it is an important contribution to the overall campaign.
11. The only free advertising - it is word of mouth. All other advertising - it is a huge cost and excess load on the system. Because telling about MMM wherever possible and appropriate.

Mohd Nizam
+91 7411415868

Thursday, 5 September 2013

दुनिया का सबसे BEST हेल्प SYSTEM ''MMM'

मित्रो दुनिया का सबसे BEST हेल्प SYSTEM '''MMM''' जो की '''BANGLADESH''' से चालु हुआ है 
जिसमे '''INDIA''' वाले भी ज्वाइन कर सकते है !

मित्रो लेने - देने में किसी भी प्रकार की कोई समस्या या परेशानी नहीं है ! 
इसमें मासिक 30% ग्रोथ मिल रही है !

मित्रो खुशखबरी है MMM बांग्लादेश में अब '''STORAGE''' फंड भी आना चालू है !

अब आपको हेल्प लेने के लिए एक महीने का इन्तजार नहीं करना पड़ेगा ! मित्रो दुनिया का नंबर वन BRAND '''MMM''' हेल्पिंग SYSTEM को MISS नहीं करिए ! '''हेल्प दीजिये और हेल्प लीजिये''' !

मित्रो इसमें ज्वाइन करने के लिए ''INDIA'' वालो को MOBILE नंबर और GMAIL ID लगेगी ! यदि जो लोग '''MMM INDIA''' में ज्वाइन थे तो उन्हें नया ''' MOBILE ''' नंबर और '''GMAIL ID''' देना होगा !
और मित्रो मेरा दावा है आज पूरी दुनिया मे इससे मजबूत और इमानदार कांसेप्ट नहीं हैं !
किसी भी तरह की सहायता या सहयोग के लिए आप मुझे फोन कर सकते है ! visit:

Mohd Nizam
Call- +91-7411415868

Wednesday, 4 September 2013



With Effect From Today 04-Sept-2013 :

Important for Every Manager/Participant IN MMM BANGLADESH >>>>>>>>

From today Onwards Revised Rates will be applicable for all transactions done via neteller to Bangladesh from India and vice versa... This has been done keeping in mind for No Loss to any party...

Calculations as Per Neteller Simplified :

If You Wish to Send Neteller from "INDIA to BANGLADESH"

Standard Formula will be :
TOTAL TAKA / 83 = Roundoff Amount of Neteller to closest Multiple of 5

Eg : for 1000 Taka

1000/83 = 12.04
So Final Round Of figure will be 12 $ Neteller

For 10000 Taka = 120.50$ (USD Neteller)
For 13000 Taka = 156.60$ (USD Neteller)


If You Wish to Receive Neteller from "BANGLADESH to INDIA"

Standard Formula will be :
TOTAL TAKA / 84 = Roundoff Amount of Neteller to closest Multiple of 5

Eg : for 1000 Taka

1000/84 = 11.90$

For 10000 Taka = 119$ (USD Neteller)
For 13000 Taka = 154.75$ (USD Neteller)



From Now Onwards All Transactions will be done in Neteller Only.. So Kindly Get Your Verified accounts of Neteller Ready for Both Provide and Get Help...

*Calculations May Change In Future if changed Notification for the same will be provided.

Note : Any Person Sending Neteller within India [Rockstar to Rockstar] Should Divide Taka by 83 Only....


BDT to INDIA Conversion Rates Revised.....

After Taking A Collective Decision with All Top Consultants from ROCKSTAR Team !!

Effective from 04-Sept-2013 Onwards :

We announce that from now onwards All Transactions within INDIA to INDIA or ROCKSTAR to ROCKSTAR will be calculated with O.8O till further notice due to increase in rate of United States Dollar.

For Eg : If You have to Transfer 5000 TAKA to Some Rockstar Then Multiply it with O.8O and send the Funds..

1. 5000 Taka X O.8O = 4000 INR
2. 500 Taka X O.8O = 400 INR
3. 13000 Taka X O.8O = 10400 INR
4. 20000 Taka X O.8O = 160000 INR
5. 77000 Taka X O.8O = 61600 INR


आओ हम सब एक बने और नेक बने !!!


Monday, 2 September 2013


The appointment of a participant to become a consultant / Manager depends SOLELY on his upline consultant. The upline consultant is required to test the capabilities of the candidate and make sure he is suitable for the position selected. The upline consultant will take FULL responsibility for all the actions of the consultant appointed by him.

* He must learn and abide the “Rules” on the website and browse the site every day;
* He must have a personal computer, install and have an account in Skype and also know how      to use it;
* He must be able to answer any questions about the Rules questioned by his upline consultant;
* He must send the scan of ID proof to his upline consultant;
* He must be in position to always take responsibility of his downline.

A consultant has an active role in MMM. He is a person who is responsible to control and guide his team. His primary duty is to consult and register new participants. Also he should assist the participants who wish to GIVE HELP or GET HELP. The consultant is responsible to his upline consultant about his team.

A consultant must be aware about all the activities and updates going on in MMM. He should be well versed about how the system works, how to register new participants, how to be able to use online banking. He should know about the referral and consultant bonuses, as well as, keep a daily watch on the official web-site

A consultant can have only one structure under him. For example, the ten’s consultant cannot be both a ten’s consultant and a hundred’s or thousand’s consultant. He is either ten’s consultant, or hundred’s cnsultant or thousand’s consultant.

All consultants are required to execute any order given by the Administrator without any undue delay. The Administrator in Bangladesh has been appointed personally by Mr. SERGEY MAVRODI.

Please check Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tab of our web-site, and you will know more!

For more details about the system call: +91 7411415868

Analysis of MLM companies and the system MMM

So, let's make a comparative analysis of MLM companies and the system MMM

1. In any MLM company a big portion of money goes onto purchase of the goods which this company sells. So, if the company is properly organized then about 50% of all investments and contributions of the participants go for purchasing new goods and products of this company. And only 50% of the whole income of the company is going on benefits and payments to the members of this company.

In MMM there is no such case. All the money are always with the participants.

2. In MLM company only a small amount of people can really succeed. These are the people who can sell products and recruit new members on the ongoing basis. They build big progressive downline network teams. The number of new participants should constantly increase!


With MMM everybody can succeed! You should not worry about new members at all. What can retire people, housewives or students do in terms of a big business? Can they grow a big and successful network? I think they cannot! At least not all of them can this is for sure! Many people cannot sell products or recruit new members. But in MMM you can simply make a provide help and you will get helped in one month time. It’s so easy! This is a huge advantage of MMM system!

3. To get earn big in MLM company you have to work hard constantly increasing your network, to build it powerful and strong enough. Because the % allocated to the payments is only 50% of all the money circulated in the company. Plus a LOT OF MONEY goes to the Leaders of this company who are on the very top. And it is not that simple at all: the more people you attract the more sales you make. Hence your income grows. An MLM company is interested in selling their products. That is why actually this company was organized in the first place. And here is a contradiction: on the one hand to pay their distributors more so they can invite and build their teams. While on the other hand the management and owners should try to leave more money in the company for themselves. Don’t forget: the company is created to generate profit for them.


You don’t need to build huge network teams in MMM in order to get benifits. In MMM it is possible because all the money are always with participating members. Money goes to all of those who build and lead their network teams. It is possible to achieve this due to the fact that not all money would be taken out from the system at the same time. The largest part of all money stays within the System which allows to pay more money to the members. So, with the same effort MMM pays much more than any MLM company even a successful one.It’s up to you, where you want to achieve your goal.

4. A market for MLM companies is extremely constrained. You have to make a lot of effort to overcome existing limits to earn more and more. There is a tough competition between all members of the market. You need to sell huge amounts of goods if you want to succeed in your MLM. Only a small number of people can sell a product. And of those people who can sell only a few would become really successful leaders.


In MMM a market is not constrained at ALL! In any country of the world the system MMM is out of any business competition. Your market – is all 100% of people! Everybody is interested in getting profit and living a better life.

5. In MLM company a network team cannot grow by itself. You need to find and recruit new people into the company. You have to do it all the time so that you can sell more and more goods. Finally you need to teach others so they can sell and recruit new members by themselves. You need constantly sell and foist new goods to the people.


In MMM your network grows by itself. It is possible because everybody gains profit from MMM. It doesn’t matter if you can sell or not, whether you can build big network or not. When everybody receive money from the MMM System that is the main and the best advertisement. You get money from MMM and your friends will see that. So they also will join MMM because everyone wants to have an additional income or help from someone.

6. An MLM company first of all interested in profit. Every owner of the company wants to enrich himself. Here you can have only a certain compromise where 50% of all the profits of a company go to the owner of the company. The rest 50% go to the distributors so they involve more and more people and sell more goods.


In MMM there is another concept. It is aimed for everybody to succeed with MMM and start to live a better life. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! MMM is a mutual aid-benefit society. All the money goes to the benefit of the people. All 100% of the money is going into the pockets of the participants of MMM.

The system MMM is aimed to improve the lives of ordinary people. So people begin to think about spiritual self-improvement and not only about how to feed their families, how to give a good education to their children etc.


7. In MLM company when the leader reaches any levels he need to pursue the SALES scheme in strict order. If he does not reach his monthly target then his income will decrease rapidly. It means that he can’t work the way he wants to. So called “Freedom to work as much as you want to” is just an unreachable illusion for most of MLM distributors. If they want to have a good income they must work really hard. If the person in MLM decides to go on holiday he will definitely lose his income for that time period. Alternatively, he’ll spend all holiday on phone calls, Skype etc. He will be nervous about his downline network whether it works well without him or not. This does not apply only to the super successful Top Leaders. If you want to become one of them it is necessary to work very hard for a few years usually. Moreover, only a few people can become such Top Leaders. It takes a long time, strong motivation and persistence.

Also, in MLM company higher sponsors are pressing on their downline participants. They constantly demand and push their dowline to do more sales and to increase network developing. This pressure is very unpleasant. There is no real FREEDOM OF ACTION for MLM distributors.


The SYSTEM MMM does not require achievement of any targets from its participants. This Social Financial Network is being developed only by those participants who wants to do it. Nobody is pressing on them like «make your work faster and do more sales!». The participant of MMM is A MASTER to his own life. This is not an empty promise like it is in MLM. It has been proved in practice by many people. When someone managed to build his downline network in MMM his income becomes stable. It will not decrease sharply at any point due to the fact that there are no certain sales plans (like in MLM). So, he is not obligatory to achieve any sales targets like in MLM companies. His profit is much larger and stable. MMM leaders do not have to keep working so hard so that they won’t lose the level they once achieved (like in MLM). If the MMM leader stops to invite people his bonuses compensation percentage will not decrease. His downline network develops by itself. Once people received real mutual aid in MMM they willingly share this news with the relatives and acquaintances. And this personal example is the best advertising.



Sunday, 1 September 2013

MMM Bangladesh Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox

The idea of creating MMM started in Russia as an instrument of mutual aid, benefit and support of people that have no protection in our societies. 

What is MMM? Global Mutual Aid Fund. The bottom line is that it is a voluntary informal network of millions of people across the earth, who stood up to help each other. And decided to combine their money for this cause. Let each individual have small, but a lot of people, which turns into millions, and together is a force. This is tremendous power! Invincible! And which is growing every day.

MMM! It's yours. Here, people help each other. Today you help someone — tomorrow you will be helped out! This is a principle of MMM. Join MMM keeping in mind that you are letting your money help those who actually need help! Low-income, disabled, pensioners… Mother of many children. Love your neighbor! Help him.

MMM is a kind of one large drawer, where all the people put their free money, and then take, as and when needed. As much at the moment they need to. (Do not seize and take it!)
Because in fact a person does not need a lot of money. MMM makes sense — of belonging. That you are not alone! That when you are in a difficult time you can lean on, and somebody will come to your rescue. That you — are not thrown. MMM is the cell of a new society, a brighter and cleaner one. New world. Where there is no money issues. Where it will be different, everything will be different. Honestly and fairly. Where there will be no slaves and no masters. Where everybody will – work. For personal satisfaction and for the benefit of the whole society.

Where good will conquer evil finally. All of this — will be. Absolutely true!

Welcome to the System!
Only MMM says that we are cheated. When we make money almost dying, and then some blood sucking parasites make money out of thin air. MMM not only opens people's eyes showing the truth, but also removes the social tension helping people in a difficult moment for them. Mavrodians, helping each other regardless of their religion will never go for other conflict. MMM thus solves the problem of religious conflicts that often lead to bloodshed.

MMM ideology aimed at strengthening the system of the country. The life of every citizen is dependent upon the power and wealth of the country. That is why we call on all participants to provide help to the country through a system of tax, even with the amounts that Mavrodian received as help in MMM. With this kind of support you are Helping each other to buy the goods that was difficult to buy yesterday without this kind of support, this in turn increases the purchasing capacity of an individual. This fact is very positive influence over the economy.

Together We Can Do A Lot!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

MMM Bangladesh

आज आप किसी की सहयता करते हैं, कल आपको भी सहायता मिलेगी!
दुनिया का पहला सोशल फाइनेंसियल हेल्प सिस्टम जहा न तो कोई कंपनी है न ही कोई मालिक है ।
सिर्फ ऐक सिस्टम जो आपको लाखो नहीं करोड़ों दे सकता है । पुरे विश्व के 3,50,00000 लोग इस सिस्टम
से जुड़े कर अपनी और आपनी फॅमिली की लाइफ एन्जॉय करे रहे है ।

जल्दी कीजिए, सबसे पहले जुड़िये !!!email  OR call me on 7411415868

JOINING FREE............

जल्दी कीजिए........!


यदि आपको एक ऐसा प्लान बताया जाय जिसमे आपको पैसा शुरू में न देना पड़े और जिस दिन से ज्वाइन करे उस दिन से ही आपको प्रॉफिट आना शुरू हो जाय !

पहले मुझे यकीन नहीं हुआ लेकिन मेरे दोस्त ने यू ही एक ID लगा दी और प्रतिदिन मेरे ID में 30% की ग्रोथ होना शुरू हो गई है

इस प्लान की विशेषताए -
1- ये एक हेल्प प्लान है, इन्वेस्टमेंट प्लान नहीं है !

2- इस प्लान में शुरू में पैसा नहीं देना है लिंक आने पर ही देना है लिंक 1 दिन से लेकर 1 महीने तक कभी भी आ सकता है लेकिन ज्वाइन करते ही 100% की ग्रोथ 5000/- पर शुरू हो जाती है

3- लिंक आते ही 4 दिन के अन्दर आपको पैसा जमा करना होगा नहीं तो ID ब्लोक हो जायगी !

4- इसमें न्यूनतम हेल्प 5000 /- से शुरू होती है और अधिकतम 50,000/- है।

5- न्यूनतम WITHDRAWAL 500/- है बह भी 4 से 5 दिन के अन्दर आपके बैंक के खाते में जमा होता है और बिना किसी टीडीएस या कटोती के !

6- WITHDRAW जोइनिंग डेट से 1 माह बाद ही कर सकते है।

7- इसमें DIRECT REFERRAL 10% फिर लेवल इनकम है 1st Level- 5%, 2nd Level- 1%, 3rd Level- 0.5%, 4th Level- 0.25%, 5th Level onwards- 0.1%

8- इसकी अलेक्सा ग्लोबल रैंक 446 है LINK-
Alexa Traffic Rank Reputation
Global Rank
Rank in RU
Sites Linking In

9- इसकी वेबसाइट वर्थ (VALUE) $780378.1 USD -LINK-

10- FULL DETAIL के लिए RULES देखे-LINK-

अभी REGISTRATION FREE है अतिशीघ्र....आज ही..... इस प्लान से जुड़ जायं . देर न करे !....
ज्वाइन करने के लिए अपनी- E-MAIL ID, NAME, MOB. NO. तुरन्त भेज दे।


जल्दी कीजिए, सबसे पहले जुड़िये !!!

JOINING FREE............

जल्दी कीजिए........!

अधिक जानकारी के लिए कॉल कर सकते है -

+91 7411415868

Sunday, 25 August 2013

प्रिय मेनेजर तथा Participants...

प्रिय मेनेजर तथा Participants ,

यह देखा गया है कि कई मेनेजर बेकार बैठे हैं और अच्छी तरह से अपनी टीमों का समर्थन नहीं कर रहे हैं,
CRO ने इन प्रकार के Managers के लिए एक मजबूत और सख्त निर्णय ले लिया है.

CRO को अगर कोई सबूतों के साथ अपने मेनेजर के खिलाफ शिकायत करता है तो एक सख्त कार्रवाई की जाएगी और उस विशेष मेनेजर से सभी प्रतिभागियों को उसके तत्काल ऊपर के मेनेजर को स्थानांतरित कर दिया जाएगा.

अगर कोई मेनेजर फिर से काम करने को तैयार है तो उसे CRO को ईमेल द्वारा अपने कार्य की पुष्ठी करनी होगी और तत पश्चात उसकी पूरी टीम वापिस उसके नीचे  स्थानांतरित की जाएगी.

एक मेनेजर के कर्तव्य:
1. टीम को समय समय पर प्रेरित करे और पूरा समर्थन दे  .
2. नवीनतम घटनाओं के साथ टीम को अद्यतन करे .
3. सक्रिय रूप से बैठकें / सेमिनार / अपने स्थानों से निकट आयोजित चैरिटी कार्यक्रम में भाग लेवे .
4. प्रतिक्रिया लेखन स्वरूप और टिकट प्रस्तुतियाँ के बारे में ठीक से अपनी टीम को गाइड करे .
5. टीम में किसी अन्य नकली सिस्टम को बढ़ावा नहीं दे .
6. शांत शासन के समय अपनी टीम में उत्साह वापस लाये यह उसका कर्तव्य है .
7. सबसे महत्वपूर्ण: सिर्फ मुक्त पैसे के साथ मदद करने के लिए टीम को शिक्षित करना चाहिए [ऐसा देखा गया है के कई प्रतिभागियों ने मदद के लिए ऋण लिया है , MMM कोई निवेश योजना नहीं है और मदद किसी पर बोझ नहीं होना चाहिए]

हमारे अद्वितीय प्रणाली की copycats से सावधान रहना :

कुछ लोग प्रतिभागियों को MMM प्रणाली के बाहर पैसे के हस्तांतरण के लिए नहीं अनुरोध कर रहे हैं जो अन्य कंपनियों में नकली joinings बना रहे हैं. ऐसे धोखेबाज MMM का logo और MMM के नाम का प्रयोग कर रहे हैं ! धोखेबाज उनके फोन नंबर का उपयोग करते हुए पैसे जमा / हस्तांतरण करने के लिए कॉल करते हैं .

आप सब लोगो को कृपया MMM को छोड़कर किसी को भी पैसे का हस्तांतरण या जमा नहीं करने का अनुरोध है .
वेबसाइट भारत के लिए MMM2012 की एक आधिकारिक वेबसाइट है:

और रूस से श्री सेर्गेई मव्रोदी के नियंत्रण के तहत केवल यही
एक वास्तविक खाता है.

MMM2012 अपनी प्रणाली के बाहर किसी भी फंड हस्तांतरण के लिए जिम्मेदार नहीं होगा.

सादर प्रणाम

For Any Issues please call +91 7411415868

Alert All Managers Of MMM

Manager's Alert

Dear Managers and Participants,

It has been observed that Many Managers are sitting Idle and are not supporting their teams well..
CRO has taken one strong and strict Decision for these type of Idle Managers.

If any compliant is received by CRO from any Participant or Manager against his Immediate Upline Manager with proofs then a strict action will be taken and all the participants from that particular manager will be shifted to his/her above Manager.

Later if any Manager is willing to work then he/she has to prove their working to CRO via email and then only after validation their team will be shifted back.

Duties of A Manager :
1. To Support/Motivate his/her team timely when ever required.
2. To update the team with latest happenings.
3. To actively participate in Meetings/seminars/charity programs organised near by their locations.
4. To Guide his/her team properly regarding feedback writing formats and ticket submissions.
5. Should Not promote any other copycat systems in his/her team.
6. At the time of Calm Regime Its his/her duty to Bring Back the enthusiasm in his/her team.

BEWARE OF COPYCATS of our Unique System :

Participants are requested not to transfer any money outside MMM system. Its been observed that fraudsters are making fake joinings in other companies which are using Logo Of MMM and Name of MMM . Fraudsters are adding Name of participants of MMM2012 by using their phone numbers and they are getting calls to deposit/transfer the money..

You all are Kindly Requested Not to deposit or transfer any money to anyone except MMM.
Website is an official website of MMM2012 for India and Link : is the only official cabinet/virtual account of MMM2012 under control by Mr. Sergey Mavrodi from Russia.

MMM2012 will not be responsible for any fund transfers outside its system.


For any Issues and doubts feel free to call +91 7411415868 or mail me.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Do you ever wish you knew some Easy Ways To Make Money?

Have you ever had Online Business Ideas but don’t know how to implement them?

Does everything you read about making money online make your head spin?

Don’t give up: you could be just hours away from Making Money Online
There are a thousand Online Business Ideas and more Easy Ways To Make Money with Loyaltepays. It used to be where a thousand things could go wrong when you tried to implement your ideas and launch your business on your own. But now you don’t have to go through the endless process of trial and error anymore. Now you can have the benefit of clear and simple advice from someone who’s been there and done that.
Heide Holtz has spent years developing online businesses, tools, resources and internet marketing strategies. And while she’s been building her own consulting business and advising other entrepreneurs on business development, she’s seen a thousand disaster stories unfolding, when people had great Online Business Ideas but didn’t know how to implement them.
They simply did not have access to the Easy Ways To Make Money Online that you have now on Loyaltepays.

Easy Ways To Make Money?
Yes, they do exist! We are in the information era where information products (e-products) such as eBooks, PDF reports, Video tutorials, Webinars, etc. have become the most powerful marketing tool to build your online business.
You, I, people everywhere access the internet every day searching for answers, to find a solution to a problem, to find the information we need. The problem is we dont always know if the information we find is trust worthy, so we try to find information from experts, people we recognize, that have some level of preeminence, credibility.
I am sure you've noticed that to access the information from an expert you are first required to opt-in (provide your name and email address) to access the information. Internet marketing experts in every niche use this business model because it works. Provide valuable, interesting information in exchange for your contact details.
Cutting Through The Complications - Easy Ways To Make Money Online
At Loyaltepays, you won’t find pages of complicated instructions stuffed with internet and marketing jargon that you don’t understand. You won’t be told you should get this software or that service and incorporate them in your business. Everything you'll need is provided to you right here by Loyaltepays.
With the Loyaltepays GET PAID TO SHARE referral program you can make money for simply giving away information products for free, which in turn will help you to build your own online business.
Millions of $’s are made each and every day when people share information. Loyaltepays is built upon the ethos that LOYALTY and SHARING should and can be rewarded - so that all parties in the equation succeed. Everyone wins.
Loyaltepays is an innovative platform that offers a unique business model which helps people, like you, to make money online quicker and easier than ever before. We created Loyaltepays in the realization that expert internet marketers and newbies benefit from each other when they work together.
And if you are just starting out, Loyaltepays is definitely the easiest and most effective way to make money online and as soon as tomorrow! Loyaltepays offers you the UNIQUE opportunity to simply Get Paid To Share information products and to use this marketing model to grow your own online business.  

So, what do I sell ... to make money?
Actually that is the beauty of the Loyaltepays system, YOU DON'T SELL. What you need to understand is that the main purpose of an e-product is to inform and educate, is to identify a problem and provide a solution for that problem. In most cases that solution is a product or a service that you can be an affiliate of, most products and services offered online have an affiliate program and they are 100% free to join. Affiliate marketing enables you to build a profitable online business without having to produce your own products. In fact it is so easy, you don’t even need to have your own business idea yet.
With Loyaltepays you can start and build a long-term business based entirely on giving away quality eBooks, PDF reports, Videos and Webinars. The money is in the affiliate links to the products and services recommend inside them, in a subtle and informative way.
You will also learn that the most important asset of an online business is your subscriber base, and you’ll find clear and straightforward instructions for building and maintaining that valuable database. In just days, even hours from now, you could be building a long-term sustainable business and get paid to do it. And best of all, you don’t have to invest a cent to experience the power of Loyaltepays.
Loyaltepays | Get it Free 
Sign in now and you’ll get instant access to your first FREE e-Product with re-branding rights and the re-brander tool that allows you to insert your own affiliate links in as little as a minute. You will also get the easy one-click share features to help you kick start your income right away! Who says there are no Easy Ways To Make Money?   Get Started Now - and experience, "the most effective online business model and marketing system to hit the web in years".

YES! there finally is such a thing as a free lunch!
All you have to do is take action. Click Here Now and get FREE, instant access to your first rebrandable e-product you can use to make money of right away!

Monday, 15 July 2013

Life Without Limbs

Nick runs the Life Without Limbs and Attitude is Altitude websites. He is 25 years old, at the time of writing. He was born without arms and legs; and therefore faces countless challenges every single day of his life. His message is that if he can achieve his dreams despite his disabilities, then you can achieve yours. It is a very powerful message delivered with passion, purpose and good humour.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Re-branding and sharing The new Future

          I usually address my newsletters as if Loyaltepays is the same program for every member when in reality it offers so many different opportunities, let me explain.
Over and over I am asked these same questions: Who is Loyaltepays for? ... How can I use it? ... What should I do first? And the reality is,Loyaltepays means different things to different people.
Here some examples:
  1. If you always thought that making money online is not for you... you don't like selling, you are not tech savvy, you don't have a product, you don't understand the first thing about affiliate marketing... or you simply don't have the time... or everything you've come across before just sounds too complicated and well... just not for you.

    You can get started by simply re-branding and sharing content from our Library with your friends, just as you do in the off-line world.. and you'll see that they will appreciate your gift and some will see the opportunity and join our site via your referral link.
  2. If you always thought Social Media is just for 'the young people' or a waste of time... Which is exactly what I thought about it for several years... but then it became a nice way to reconnect with friends from school, the swim team (yes, I was a bit of a swimming champion there for many years) but it is also a great way to keep up with what people care about, their interest... and very often I come across inspiring images, videos, books that I would otherwise miss out on...

    Now you have the perfect excuse to get on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest... You dont have to get on all of them, just pick one ... or two AND you now have an entire library of content that you can start sharing.. and people will start to connect with you, like and comment on your posts. THAT is the beginning of VIRAL MARKETING, quite a technical word but as you can see, nothing too complicated about it BECAUSE every publication (ebooks, video, image) in our library is designed to start that conversation... they have intrinsic value to be shared and because they are re-brandable (that means you can insert your affiliate ID's in them) you can make money of them - without ever asking anyone to buy anything from you.
  3. If you ever thought... I should at least start a Facebook page and see how it goes... how all this making money online thing works.. but then you got overwhelmed with doubts of what should I name it? what will I talk about, what content will I post on it....

    All you have to do now is go through the library, write a down a list of your 20 favorite publications... see what they have in common... you'll probably discover that the majority of them are within the same CATEGORY... so this then becomes the THEME for your Facebook page.

    Every successful internet marketer will tell you... just start talking about the things that matter to you the most, that you identify with... Focus on something you are passionate about and the money will follow. sometimes this is something you've struggled with.. other times this is something that inspires you... or a hobby like Cooking for example.

    If you build a business purely for the purpose of making money... you will most likely fail and you will definitely not enjoy the journey.

    Building a business takes time... there will be ups and downs and what will take you through those moments is the bigger meaning... your passion AND the relationship you are building with every new person that LIKES your page, your interaction with them is in my opinion what will take you through it, their support will become the driving force of your new business.

    You will know then, that is is ONLY a matter of time and the money will come to you FASTER than you expect.
  4. If you ever thought that Blogging is definitely not for you... you are not a writer... or you are not an authority at anything...  Don't we all do that to ourselves? We never think we are good at anything, yet we all are experts at overcoming things in our lives and THAT could very well be it. We are not the only ones struggling with things, there are thousands of others that could benefit from your experience or simply reading your story... It doesn't have to be life-changing stories... it could be as simple as useful tips to prepare nutritious lunch boxes on a budget. WHO CAN'T RELATE TO THAT!!! almost everybody, whether you have kids going to school, or your husband works in an office, or even myself... I work from home yet more often than not I look at the time and it is2:00 pm and I've not had lunch... no wonder my head is going slower and slower... so having a few EASY LUNCH ideas is a great help for almost everybody.

    AND you don't even have to produce the content for these ideas -if you are not ready yet- you can simply share content from our Library... and then as you gain confidence, you can start publishing your own recipes, tips, etc.. IT IS MUCH EASIER THAN YOU THINK.
  5. Let's say you've heard... if you don't have your own product then you can't really make any money. THAT IS RIDICULOUS. Most successful online business owners started promoting other peoples products - this is called AFFILIATE MARKETING.

    This is exactly how I started back in 2002, the difference was instead of being aggressive like most affiliate marketers (asking people to buy from me) I did it in a very passive way... to me it was about finding a way so people would keep coming back to my site... so I spend most of my time building a relationship with every subscribe and then to my surprise they would even tell me what they were looking for, or what they thought about an affiliate product I recommended the week before, so then my job became to find the best product for them that would do exactly what they wanted.

    What is even better now with Loyaltepays is that you don't even have to make a direct recommendation of an affiliate product. All you need to do is giveaway the content that EDUCATES people on the topic.

    When you can provide someone with the information so they can make the 'right' decision by themselves, they are ten times more likely to buy the product than if you ask them to buy it, no matter how subtle you are about it.
  6. If you are a successful blogger already...

    Then Loyaltepays gives you an endless source of fresh, interesting content you can use to populate and monetize your Blog
  7. If you are a successful affiliate marketer...

    Then you can finally re-brand top quality content and use that as your marketing tools as opposed to the same old banners, email swipe files.. that we all know are way too obvious.. just another affiliate offer, but when you give away an interesting ebook, video or image that EDUCATES, INSPIRES and EMPOWERS and has your affiliate ID embedded in it... you'll know your commissions will double and triple... and even better your subscribers will THANK YOU for it and become your most loyal fans simply because you stopped ASKING and you started GIVING!
  8. If you have been thinking of starting your own affiliate program to take your online business to the next level...

    Loyaltepays can be your affiliate program without having to give away a portion of your profits, managing your affiliates, producing marketing tools, deal with commission payments, refunds, fraud, etc.. OR having to find - recruit - the ideal affiliate for your product... Simply publish your best content and it will instantly become available to thousands of other members... happy to rebrand and promote your content for you.... because Loyaltepays will pay them a referral commission!
  9. If you are ready to share your experience with others, to teach and become a mentor to others...

    Then Loyaltepays is the perfect platform to do that too. All you need to do is publish your best content and you'll have an engaging audience that will thank you for your advice and also share your content with everyone they know that might benefit from it.
  10. If you believe that ... success is about WHO YOU KNOW... I am sure we can have a whole discussion about that.. while it is true it is not the only truth, it is a combination of things but

    Loyaltepays can help you with that too and in more than one way. See, when you share other peoples content on your Facebook page or on your Blog... you are establishing yourself as an authority by association.

    Another way Loyaltepays can help you is well... because we are a like-minded community, we share the same values and principles and yet we all come from different backgrounds, niches, cultures, continents even... it opens your doors to connect with influential people in your niche and in your own country even... The Newsfeed is a great place for that... many Join Ventures at different levels have originated there already and more every day.
There you have it.. Loyaltepays really means different things to different people, yet we all benefit from each other.. we are all better because of each other, we all need each other. 
At least that's what I think :)
I hope I was able to connect with you at some level and that you've identified yourself with at least one of the 10 options I described here today.

Keep rebranding, keep sharing