
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

आज आप किसी की सहयता करते हैं, कल आपको भी सहायता मिलेगी!
दुनिया का पहला सोशल फाइनेंसियल हेल्प सिस्टम जहा न तो कोई कंपनी है न ही कोई मालिक है ।
सिर्फ ऐक सिस्टम जो आपको लाखो नहीं करोड़ों दे सकता है । पुरे विश्व के 3,50,00000 लोग इस सिस्टम
से जुड़े कर अपनी और आपनी फॅमिली की लाइफ एन्जॉय करे रहे है ।

जल्दी कीजिए, सबसे पहले जुड़िये !!!email  OR call me on 7411415868

JOINING FREE............

जल्दी कीजिए........!


यदि आपको एक ऐसा प्लान बताया जाय जिसमे आपको पैसा शुरू में न देना पड़े और जिस दिन से ज्वाइन करे उस दिन से ही आपको प्रॉफिट आना शुरू हो जाय !

पहले मुझे यकीन नहीं हुआ लेकिन मेरे दोस्त ने यू ही एक ID लगा दी और प्रतिदिन मेरे ID में 30% की ग्रोथ होना शुरू हो गई है

इस प्लान की विशेषताए -
1- ये एक हेल्प प्लान है, इन्वेस्टमेंट प्लान नहीं है !

2- इस प्लान में शुरू में पैसा नहीं देना है लिंक आने पर ही देना है लिंक 1 दिन से लेकर 1 महीने तक कभी भी आ सकता है लेकिन ज्वाइन करते ही 100% की ग्रोथ 5000/- पर शुरू हो जाती है

3- लिंक आते ही 4 दिन के अन्दर आपको पैसा जमा करना होगा नहीं तो ID ब्लोक हो जायगी !

4- इसमें न्यूनतम हेल्प 5000 /- से शुरू होती है और अधिकतम 50,000/- है।

5- न्यूनतम WITHDRAWAL 500/- है बह भी 4 से 5 दिन के अन्दर आपके बैंक के खाते में जमा होता है और बिना किसी टीडीएस या कटोती के !

6- WITHDRAW जोइनिंग डेट से 1 माह बाद ही कर सकते है।

7- इसमें DIRECT REFERRAL 5% फिर लेवल इनकम है 1st Level- 5%, 2nd Level- 1%, 3rd Level- 0.5%, 4th Level- 0.25%, 5th Level onwards- 0.1%

8- इसकी अलेक्सा ग्लोबल रैंक 446 है LINK-
Alexa Traffic Rank Reputation
Global Rank
Rank in RU
Sites Linking In

9- इसकी वेबसाइट वर्थ (VALUE) $780378.1 USD -LINK-

10- FULL DETAIL के लिए RULES देखे-LINK-

अभी REGISTRATION FREE है अतिशीघ्र....आज ही..... इस प्लान से जुड़ जायं . देर न करे !....
ज्वाइन करने के लिए अपनी- E-MAIL ID, NAME, MOB. NO. तुरन्त भेज दे।


जल्दी कीजिए, सबसे पहले जुड़िये !!!

JOINING FREE............

जल्दी कीजिए........!

अधिक जानकारी के लिए कॉल कर सकते है -

+91 7411415868

Saturday, 6 April 2013


MMM Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox

The idea of MMM started in Russia. Can you imagine Facebook, but purely financial?
For more information please read OFFICIAL MMM web site SERGEY-MAVRODI.COM ON ENGLISHMMM INDONESIA SITE and MMM INDIA SITE. Our site precents MMM International version for MMM ASIA (India, Indonesia and Thailand). For registration you can use direct link
Participants help each other by sending money to person who needs it the most. After a while some other people help you by transferring you an amount which is larger than you deposited in the first place. The amount of mutual aid increases up to 100% per month (from 1st April 2013) due to the value growth of Mavro (virtual currency in MMM System). You buy Mavro the same way like broker purchases stock at the Stock Exchange.Currently in the network MMM there are more than 35 million of registered users. It is spreading across the globe faster than any other network in the world.Current financial system in our world is built by banks. They are lending us our own money. Everybody understands that the money is spread among different people in the world unfairly.Contrary to that Social Financial Network MMM allows you to create direct financial relationships between the other participants. Everybody will get profit from this kind of relationship. This network is a pure financial pyramid. However, if you consider the concepts of any other modern financial institution you will realize that they all work on the same kind of concept. All the banks, social insurance funds, pension funds, world’s currencies are in fact financial pyramids. They all operate the same way. They pay to people from the money of other people that have already been collected. We do the same thing. The only difference of MMM from all of them is that we talk about it openly.
The standard system of financial pyramids has existed for a long time in our society. Just to emphasize this once more: all banks, the insurance companies, pension fund or even the world currencies (EURO, USD etc.) are in fact the financial pyramids. They all operate (legally!) for years, some of them even for centuries. Nowadays most of the people in the world are tighten by economic restrictions of loans, mortgages, liaising etc. These restrictions are used as the mechanism of controlling people. We are all working hard during all our lives and have not yet get FREEDOM. We are still like slaves in the ancient society, if you think about it. There are Masters of life and there are Slaves. The only difference is that our chains are now not made from metal. We are all tightening by our economic responsibilities and obligations.
So, nowadays the modern financial institutions as banks can easy control people. They give us all sorts of guarantees promising us a good life if we bring them our money. Comparing to all other systems, the MMM System has one big difference. It is based on honesty and trust of its participants towards each other. The information that MMM cannot provide any guaranties is open to the public. We do not hide the truth. Our approach is exactly opposite to the current financial system of banks, world currencies like EURO, USD etc. They all give you a lots of guarantees and we all know that no one financial institution is 100% reliable in the time of global financial crisis.
So, before you make a decision to participate in our system — BE CAREFULL:
However, if you still think the bank is not a pyramid you are wrong. If you think the bank is a safe place to keep your money then why the banks become bankrupt? It happens very often. What do they guarantee? Can they guarantee you 100% that they will not become bankrupt? No, they cannot. Then why do they keep giving us all kinds of promises and guarantees? Moreover, the bank can offer you maximum of 10% PER YEAR while MMM offers you increase of 100% PER MONTH for your deposit. However, the banks and other financial institutions keep all the profit to themselves while participants of MMM help directly to each other.
How MMM participants exchange their money?
You send your deposit to another participant in the MMM System as a gift. Hoping, that later on somebody else will send you a gift too (which would be larger by 100% then amount that you deposited). However, the best way is to consider it as a pure gift that you can afford to make to an unknown person.
Please note that MMM is not a bank or any financial institution. MMM is not loaning your money. It is rather like a huge safe where people put their free money. When they need to take out some money they can do it. What is a free money? It is how much you can afford to lose in the worst case scenario. So, before you make a decision to participate you need to understand the way it works.
Please keep in mind that there are no guarantees for anything. However, the participants of MMM System are sending each other these gifts for almost 2 years by now. The gift you receive after a while is increased in value of your original deposit up to 100% each month.
The Social Financial Network is absolutely 100% legal. It covers already more than 64 countries all over the world. It’s obvious and logical, that not many people outside the Russian speaking zone (which covers the population of 270 million people) got to know about MMM. Just imagine what will happen when this network spreads into continental Europe, Asia and North America! Now it is the right time to join!
We usually don’t look, search and find information in Russian, as it is an unfamiliar language and not commonly used in anywhere else. The task of this web page is to give quality information in your native language. Today we stand in front of global social and economic changes. Analyzing the rapid growth of MMM around the world it is likely that this network will reach 100 000 000 participants from all countries this year.